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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Oracle Database 18c - Database Creation using DBCA

In our last article,[click here] we seen Oracle database 18c deployment - Software only. Here in this blog post, we would create a fresh database using Oracle database 18.3 DBCA.

$cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin

$export DISPLAY=:0.0


Select "Create a database" option and click next.

Fill the values for "Typical Configuration" options of database being created - i.e. your container (CDB) database name, and other options along with your container database SYS/SYSTEM user password. Choose option "Create as Container database" if you want your database to be Multi-tenant database and provide the PDB(Pluggable database) name under that. Click Next.

Since I have give a simple password so it pops up a warning that the password provided doesn't meet the Oracle recommended standards - to provide complex password, well I am OK with this and click on Yes to proceed with next step.

Here on this summary page, you can review all options you have selected - new thing here you would see that this summary page also lists the "Initialization Parameters" for the typical configuration option. Once you are OK with the options, click on Finish.

Database creation starts.......

Click on Close.....

Set the database OS environment.....and login to verify the instance.

By default, non-default pluggable databases open in MOUNTED state, you can then open them later using ALTER PLUGGABLE database command as below.

Subscribe to this blog to stay tuned for upcoming Oracle Database 18c articles.........

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

mount: unknown filesystem type 'vmhgfs'

It was a trouble sharing a host folder in the guest linux operating system after upgrading the VMware workstation to 12.0 from version 10 on windows 10

 root@rac1 mnt]# mount -t vmhgfs .host:/ /home/oracle  
 mount: unknown filesystem type 'vmhgfs' 

Solution: (run the guest operating system inside the VM)

 [root@rac1 mnt]# /usr/bin/vmhgfs-fuse /mnt  
 [root@rac1 mnt]# df -h  
 Filesystem      Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on  
 devtmpfs       4.9G   0 4.9G  0% /dev  
 tmpfs        4.9G 100K 4.9G  1% /dev/shm  
 tmpfs        4.9G 9.1M 4.9G  1% /run  
 tmpfs        4.9G   0 4.9G  0% /sys/fs/cgroup  
 /dev/mapper/ol-root  12G 4.2G 7.5G 36% /  
 /dev/mapper/ol-tmp  4.9G  45M 4.9G  1% /tmp  
 /dev/mapper/ol-u01  30G  19G  12G 63% /u01  
 /dev/sda1      197M 173M  25M 88% /boot  
 tmpfs        1000M 8.0K 1000M  1% /run/user/1001  
 /dev/sr0       102M 102M   0 100% /run/media/oracle/VMware Tools  
 vmhgfs-fuse     460G 400G  61G 87% /mnt 

Above you see that /mnt is mounted now, it was required since our shared folders get mounted inside this.

Now my shared folders are visible in the VMware operating system.

 [root@rac1 ~]# cd /mnt/  
 [root@rac1 mnt]# ls -ltr  
 total 12  
 drwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 4096 Jul 25 00:18 18c installation  
 drwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 8192 Jul 25 10:08 Database Products  
 [root@rac1 mnt]#  

Hope it would help !!

Oracle Database 18c - [18.3] Installation

Since Oracle Database 18c became available yesterday to download for on-premise deployment on Linux platforms now so here in this blog post, I would outline step by step installation of latest Oracle database 18.3 version.

Click here to download Oracle Database 18c - RU 18.3

Once downloaded, create Oracle Home directory on your target database server and unzip the downloaded oracle database 18c dbhome zip file in the ORACLE_HOME directory that you just created on your target database server.

In my test case, I unzipped my downloaded package inside following directory hence that is my ORACLE_HOME for this installation demo.

 [oracle@rac1 oracle]$ pwd  

Note : To install Oracle Database 18c RDBMS software and Oracle Database 18c Grid Infrastructure, you would have to invoke ./runInstaller and from unzipped ORACLE_HOME respectively.

Let's now invoke ./runInstaller from ORACLE_HOME - unzipped location to proceed with Oracle Database 18c installation.

 [oracle@rac1 oracle]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle  
 [oracle@rac1 oracle]$ ./runInstaller  

Once you invoke the ./runInstaller from ORACLE_HOME, then following "Configuration Option" installation wizard page appears.

This demo article is just for "Software Only" configuration, later we would take a look at creating database separately using DBCA. Click Next.

Select "Single instance database installation" and click Next.

Select the database edition you want to deploy, here in this demo paper, I selected "Enterprise Edition" and click Next.

Select "Oracle base" location per your environment and click Next.

Select OS authentication Membership OS groups for corresponding SYS privileges and click Next.

In above screenshot, some of the checks are warned so I just would just ignore all of them to proceed with Database deployment.

Above is the Database deployment summary settings page, in case if you want to take a look at all settings you did opt and click on "Install" to proceed with the deployment.

Here it prompts to run a root script, login to a separate terminal and run the script as root user.

Once interesting thing you notice above in root script execution is that, it installs TFA as well. Earlier we used to get this installed as part of Oracle Grid Infrastructure deployments.

After root script execution, click on OK and you are done with the Oracle Database 18c deployment now.

Click close -

Since, we have installed Oracle database 18c, so we can get its prompt now.

Here one interesting thing you would notice that TFA and OSWatcher get installed as part of Oracle database 18.3 deployment. So, you won't have to go and install these OS monitoring and database diagnostics log collection support tools separately.

Hope you enjoyed the step by step graphical deployment of Oracle database 18.3

Please subscribe to the blog to stay tuned on upcoming Oracle 18c articles.....

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Oracle Database 18c [18.3] is available to download now !!

Hurrr... The most awaited Oracle Database 18c is available to download now for the on-premise deployments.

Click on the below link and download :