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Sometimes you may need to collect srdc diagnostic data requested by Oracle Support Engineer for an Oracle Internal Error or problem evaluation and analysis.
You don't want loads of unnecessary diagnostics traces and logs to be collected and need only relevant traces/logs for a specific Oracle incident/problem so srdc needs to be run by Oracle software binary owner which may be different from Oracle cluster-ware owner and that may not have permission to run the TFA to collect diagnostics data.
You won't be able to run the TFA if you are not a TFA user and get an error like depicted below since oracle user is not allowed to run the TFA diag collection.
[root@dbadm01 bin]#su - oracle
$ ./tfactl diagcollect -srdc ORA-00700
User oracle does not have keys to run TFA. Please check with TFA Admin(root)
$ exit
[root@dbadm01 bin]#
TFA administrator or root user can add Oracle software binary owner to TFA group so that he/she can run the TFA srdc diagnostics collection when needed.
Let's see how we can add oracle user to the TFA administrator group and run the srdc data collection and finally we would see how to remove oracle user from the TFA administration group.
You can view the list of TFA users currently allowed to run it as below. We can see that only
oragrid user is allowed to run the TFA.
[root@dbadm01 bin]# ./tfactl access lsusers
| TFA Users in dbadm01 |
| User Name | User Type | Status |
| oragrid | USER | Allowed |
| TFA Users in |
| User Name | User Type | Status |
| oragrid | USER | Allowed |
| oragrid | USER | Allowed |
| oragrid | USER | Allowed |
[root@dbadm01 bin]#
Let's now add
oracle user in the TFA group now so that it can also be part of it and run the tfa.
[root@dbadm01 bin]# ./tfactl access add -user oracle -local
Successfully added 'oracle' to TFA Access list.
| TFA Users in dbadm01 |
| User Name | User Type | Status |
| oracle | USER | Allowed |
| oragrid | USER | Allowed |
[root@dbadm01 bin]#
Since oracle user is now added to TFA group, let's switch to oracle user and try to collect the TFA srdc diagnostics data.
[root@dbadm01 bin]# su - oracle
[oracle@dbadm01 ~]$
[oracle@dbadm01 ~]$ /u01/app/ diagcollect -srdc ORA-00700
Enter the time of the ORA-00700 [YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS,<RETURN>=ALL] :
Enter the Database Name [<RETURN>=ALL] : PROD1
1. Sep/27/2019 17:21:00 : [prod1] ORA-00700: soft internal error, arguments: [kdt_bseg_srch_cbk PITL5], [3], [148630702], [276915], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
2. Sep/27/2019 15:05:30 : [prod1] ORA-00700: soft internal error, arguments: [kdt_bseg_srch_cbk PITL5], [2], [148630736], [276915], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
3. Sep/27/2019 15:05:30 : [prod1] ORA-00700: soft internal error, arguments: [PITL6], [276915], [148630736], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
4. Sep/27/2019 07:16:44 : [prod1] ORA-00700: soft internal error, arguments: [kdt_bseg_srch_cbk PITL5], [2], [156338726], [276915], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
5. Sep/24/2019 09:51:00 : [prod1] ORA-00700: soft internal error, arguments: [PITL6], [276915], [156338560], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
6. Sep/24/2019 09:50:56 : [prod1] ORA-00700: soft internal error, arguments: [kdt_bseg_srch_cbk PITL5], [2], [156338560], [276915], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Please choose the event : 1-6 [1] 6
Selected value is : 6 ( Sep/24/2019 09:50:56 )
Scripts to be run by this srdc: ipspack rdahcve1210 rdahcve1120 rdahcve1110
Components included in this srdc: OS CRS DATABASE NOCHMOS
Collecting data for local node(s)
Scanning files from Sep/24/2019 03:50:56 to Sep/24/2019 15:50:56
Collection Id : 20191008033306dbadm01
Detailed Logging at : /u01/app/grid/tfa/repository/srdc_ora700_collection_Tue_Oct_08_03_33_07_UTC_2019_node_local/diagcollect_20191008033306_dbadm01.log
2019/10/08 03:33:10 UTC : NOTE : Any file or directory name containing the string .com will be renamed to replace .com with dotcom
2019/10/08 03:33:10 UTC : Collection Name :
2019/10/08 03:33:11 UTC : Scanning of files for Collection in progress...
2019/10/08 03:33:11 UTC : Collecting additional diagnostic information...
2019/10/08 03:33:41 UTC : Getting list of files satisfying time range [09/24/2019 03:50:56 UTC, 09/24/2019 15:50:56 UTC]
2019/10/08 03:34:45 UTC : Completed collection of additional diagnostic information...
2019/10/08 03:36:29 UTC : Collecting ADR incident files...
2019/10/08 03:36:30 UTC : Completed Local Collection
| Collection Summary |
| Host | Status | Size | Time |
| dbadm01 | Completed | 249MB | 200s |
Logs are being collected to: /u01/app/grid/tfa/repository/srdc_ora700_collection_Tue_Oct_08_03_33_07_UTC_2019_node_local
[oracle@dbadm01 ~]$
TFA srdc collection went successful now !
If you want to remove the oracle user from the TFA group, you can do so using below command.
[root@dbadm01 bin]# ./tfactl access remove -user oracle -local
Successfully removed 'oracle' from TFA Access list.
| TFA Users in dbadm01 |
| User Name | User Type | Status |
| oragrid | USER | Allowed |
[root@dbadm01 bin]#
Hope it helps, thanks for reading, please subscribe to this blog to stay updated with latest news on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Services and other new articles.
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