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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Oracle beats Q4 estimates on solid Cloud Services

Oracle performs better than expected in Oracle Cloud Market.... A great growth ahead.......
Please read below news for details :

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

[Oracle Cloud] : DBAAS Monitor Console Overview

Here in this article, I would like to give detailed  overview of Oracle Cloud DBAAS Monitor console to monitor your Single-instance Oracle database cloud instances.

"Database deployments of single-instance databases on Oracle Database Cloud Service include Oracle DBaaS Monitor, a built-in monitor that provides a wide spectrum of information about Oracle Database and operating system status and resource usage."

You can access Oracle DBaaS Monitor in the following ways:

Using the “Open DBaaS Monitor Console” Menu Item to Access Oracle DBaaS Monitor

For database deployments built on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic, the network port to access Oracle DBaaS Monitor is blocked by default. To use the Open DBaaS Monitor Console menu item, you must unblock port 443, either by enabling the deployment’s ora_p2_httpssl predefined access rule or by creating your own access rule that opens port 443. For instructions, see Enabling Access to a Compute Node Port.

In order to open the DBaaS monitor console, go to the service page of your Oracle Database Cloud Service console, click on the hamburg sign at right side the the service name, and click on the "Open DBaaS Monitor Console" option of the drop-down menu, as depicted below.

Once you clicked, DBaaS Monitor console page would be opened as a separate tab or page, sign-in to the DBaaS Monitor console using default dbaas_monitor user and use the password of your Oracle Cloud service account.

Click on Log In, and you would be displayed the home page of DBaaS Monitor as below that displays the Database dashboard page that has the lots of summary information of database instance at one place.

To check the memory usage details in the Oracle cloud compute node, click in OS on the top and select memory from the drop-down menu, you would be displayed the memory usage details page by top processes as depicted below.

To check the CPU usage details at the compute nods where your oracle cloud database instance is hosted, click on the OS at top and select CPU from the drop down menu, you would be displayed the CPU page that is similar to TOP command output on UNIX based systems.

To check the storage/mount point usage details, click on the OS menu on the top and select Storage from its drop down menu and you would be shown the mount points usage on the oracle compute node as depicted below.

To check what all top processes running on your compute node, go to the OS at top and click on the Processes option from the drop down menu and you would be displayed the page as depicted below - a similar output like TOP command on Linux box.

To manage Database Instance or Pluggable databases using DBaaS Monitor, click on the "Database' at the top menu and select Manage from the drop down menu, you would be shown the page as below where you can stop, start a CDB, PDB. You an also create a new PDB or just plug a PDB that was already unplugged from the CDB.

You can check the status of Listener running the DBaaS compute Node from DBaaS monitor console, click as "Database>Listener" and you would be shown the status of listener running there, Please note that status of listener would be refreshed automatically over an interval of 5-6 seconds to get you the current status of it.

To check how much storage a CDB or PDB is using, Navigate to "Database>Storage" and you would see the following page. You would be shown the overall storage used by all databases out of total usage storage.

To check the backup run history, navigate to "Database>Backups" , and you would see all the automatic backup runs with its status and start_time/end_time.

You can also check the database alert logs from the DBaaS Monitor console - Navigate to "Database>Alerts" and you would be show the alerts messages as depicted below.

Note : You can do more with this page, scroll down to see older alert messages, put a filter to search alert log file etc.

You can check the database sessions established to the Database instance by navigating to "Database>Sessions" and you can check the sessions and its status, SID, Serial#, SQL_ID, usernme, module etc.

You can check the current database wait event by navigating to "Database>Waits" to check the wait events as depicted below.

You can view and manage database instance parameter file from the DBaaS Monitor console, Navigate to "Database>Parameters" to view or manage the database parameters, you can edit/alter the modifiable parameters from here itself.

Hope you enjoyed the tour of DBaaS monitor in this article....stay tuned for upcoming papers.